Where’s Nigel?

Help us spread the word about The Gad About Lounge and our mascot Nigel to other travelers (and revelers) and at the same time tell your friends about the best site for Travel Intel With Attitude, travel reviews, conversation, great people and irreverent good fun! By playing our social networking game “Where’s Nigel” you can win money, meet fellow “gadders”, and introduce family and friends to our dapper mascot Nigel. Here’s how to play…

Party with Nigel

Mike, Lee, Nigel and Carl at Hidden Treasure, San Pedro, Belize

Bring Nigel to your next party! Simply print this page and cut out his picture. Glue, paste, tape or staple Nigel to a stiff backing like a paper plate, book, ruler or your forehead (even cut out eye holes for a mask!). You can also simply hold a cutout of Nigel’s face without backing or a handle. Hold Nigel’s face even with yours and your friends and then take your selfie or ask someone to take a  group picture.  Then simply…

“Where’s” Nigel Pop-Up Cutout

Share Nigel

Share your photos with Nigel with your friends on your favorite social network  being sure to tell us where you and Nigel are eg. “Mary, Ted and Nigel are in Santiago, Chile!” and hashtag your image with #WheresNigel #GadAboutLounge (and space permitting optionally #TravelIntelWithAttitude). Everytime you post a new “here’s Nigel” picture, we’ll enter your name into a contest to win up to $300!  Please post a maximum of 1 picture every 24 hours. Pictures must contain the #wheresNigel and #GadfAboutLounge hashtags to be valid.


Like, and Follow us to share your “Where’s Nigel” snapshots on our:
Instagram (http://Instagram.com/GadAboutLounge)
Twitter @GadAboutLounge (https://twitter.com/GadAboutLounge ) and
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Gad-About-Lounge-1896005787350240/ )

GadAboutLounge Instagram Page Image

Don’t forget to Follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – and share your “Where’s Nigel pictures.

Join Nigel

Be part of Nigel’s world and join us here at  GadAboutLoung.com on a regular basis to read our sometimes snarky, but always accurate reviews, share your own experiences, get great travel information or read scintillating commentaries and observations about our travels. Sign up for our email list to get each new post to our website as they become available. Create your own GadAboutLounge Pop-ups anytime and anywhere you and friends travel (or not) and share stories, ideas, tips and anything about your adventures…and don’t forget to invite Nigel!

Be Nigel

While definitions of being called a “Gad About” can sometimes be unflattering, we prefer this definition of the verb (to) Gad About by the Cambridge dictionary…

“Gad About – to visit or to travel to a lot of different places enjoying yourself and not worrying about other things you should be doing.”
This is the usage to the term Gad About that we embrace and choose to emulate. Frankly, who doesn’t want to not worry about other things you should be doing and if travel is “your thing” – join us on the journey.